rbt exam review registered behavior technician practice exams

#1 Trusted RBT® Practice Exams and Study Guide

Our top-rated RBT® Exam Prep Course has helped thousands of RBTs® pass their exam. We offer three RBT® practice exams, a RBT® Task List Study Guide, and fluency flashcards. All Registered Behavior Technician® Practice Exams and the Registered Behavior Technician® Study Guide were approved by a behavior analyst with years of behavior technician training experience. We recommend our Combo Pack which includes all of our study materials.

Three RBT® Practice Exams

$ 30

RBT® Combo - Get Everything!

$ 45

RBT® Exam Study Guide

$ 25

I just passed my exam on my first try. I kept hearing your voice in the questions and when analyzing the answers. I highly recommend anyone who is studying to purchase your combo pack. Definitely worth the investment!

Cary Purchased Combo Pack

Thank you for posting the videos I purchased the exam bundle. I took my exam today and I passed. Your YouTube channel is awesome.👍

Nicole E. Purchased the Combo Pack

I just passed on my first try today! I watched your videos everyday and bought your combo pack! Thank for your videos and you content. It really helped me so much to prepare for the test! Thank you again!

Kaitlyn D. Purchased Combo Pack

How to Pass the RBT Exam