How to Prepare for the RBT Exam

How to prepare for the rbt exam how to pass the registered behavior technician exam

What Should You Use to Pass the RBT Exam?

Two of the most frequent questions people ask when preparing for the RBT exam are is the RBT exam hard, and what should I use to pass the RBT exam on the first try? I have been teaching RBT classes for almost ten years and believe there are four crucial study tools you should use as you are preparing to take your board exam. Proper RBT exam prep is the difference between passing and failing. My recommendations are: an RBT study guide, an RBT practice exam, RBT SAFMEDS flashcards, and RBT videos. If you use all four of these resources your chances of passing the RBT exam increase dramatically. Keep on reading to find out why.

Use an RBT Exam Study Guide

I don’t think there is anything more important when taking the registered behavior technician exam than knowing the terms and definitions on the RBT task list. The majority of the questions on the RBT exam are application-based. This means you will need to apply what you know to real life situations. When you know the terms and definitions these questions become significantly easier. For example, if the test asks a measurement question about frequency or duration you should be able to immediately discriminate between the two. If you know what frequency is then all you need to do is apply it to the question. A mistake potential RBTs make is not knowing the definitions and trying to figure out the questions as they go. This will cause you to lose time, slow down, and become overwhelmed. We offer a RBT task list study guide created by a BCBA that includes everything you might see on the exam.

Take an RBT Practice Exam

Once you’ve learned your definitions, the next thing you should do is take an RBT mock exam. Even if you are fluent in applied behavior analysis terminology, you still need to know how to apply it to real situations. The most common feedback I get from people who fail the exam is they weren’t ready for all the application questions. RBT exam practice will help reduce the shock of seeing application questions. For example, if you are asked about a situation where differential reinforcement was used and you are required to indicate the type of differential reinforcement used you’ll want to have a few practice questions about DRO, DRA, and DRI in your repertoire. We offer three full RBT practice exams with answer keys designed by a BCBA.

Use SAFMEDS flashcards

SAFMEDS stand for Say, All, Fast, Minute, Everyday, Shuffle. These are more commonly used by those preparing for the BCBA exam, but that doesn’t mean aspiring RBTs should avoid them. SAFMEDS were created using the principles of applied behavior analysis. The idea is to increase your fluency of terms and definitions. You say both the term and the definition out loud, and do as many as you can in one minute. The quicker you are with SAFMEDS, the better you chances are at passing the RBT board exam. We offer a premade set of SAFMED flashcards based on our RBT exam study guide.

Watch RBT Exam YouTube Videos

Some people learn better through reading, and some learn better through video. I believe a combination of the two is the best way to RBT exam prep. Regardless, you should always use RBT YouTube videos to prepare for your exam. Videos provide instant feedback for things you may be confused about. We offer an extensive library of RBT YouTube videos that cover everything from terms to practice questions. We also offer RBT competency assessment videos for later on in your RBT journey.

What Score is Required to Pass the RBT Exam?

The RBT exam contains 85 questions, 10 of which are unscored. You will have 90 minutes to take the RBT exam. The BACB does not state what the passing score is for the RBT exam. The BACB uses their own method of identifying a passing score based on the exam information. Generally, you want to get 80% or more of the questions on the exam correct, or at least 68 of the questions on the RBT exam.

The Next Step on Your RBT Exam Prep Journey

Now, you need to decide what combination is going to work best for you in preparing for the RBT exam. A good place to start is by watching my complete RBT task list video study guide below. From there, get the rbt practice exam, the rbt study guide, the flashcards, or some combination of the three. You might also want to read our 4 tips to pass the RBT exam. Good luck, and email with any questions you may have!

RBT Practice Exams

$ 30

RBT Combo - Get Everything!

$ 45

RBT Exam Study Guide

$ 25